هواپیماها بر اساس وزن آنها در هنگام بر خواست به گروه های مختلفی تقسیم می شوند که دو نوع ELA-1 و ELA-2 به شرح زیر تعریف می گردد :
“ELA1 aircraft” means the following manned European Light Aircraft:
(a) an aeroplane with a Maximum Take-off Mass (MTOM) of 1 200 kg or less that is not classified as complex motor-powered aircraft;
(b) a sailplane or powered sailplane of 1 200 kg MTOM or less;
(c) a balloon with a maximum design lifting gas or hot air volume of not more than 3 400 m 3 for hot air balloons, 1 050 m 3 for gas balloons, 300 m 3 for tethered gas balloons.
“ELA2 aircraft” means the following manned European Light Aircraft:
(a) an aeroplane with a Maximum Take-off Mass (MTOM) of 2 000 kg or less that is not classified as complex motor-powered aircraft;
(b) a sailplane or powered sailplane of 2 000 kg MTOM or less;
(c) a balloon;
(d) a Very Light Rotorcraft with a MTOM not exceeding 600 kg which is of a simple design, designed to carry not more than two occupants, not powered by turbine and/or rocket engines; restricted to VFR day operations.