Ground-Based Augmentation System

What is GBAS?

 A Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) augments the Global Positioning System (GPS) used in U.S. airspace by providing corrections to aircraft in the vicinity of an airport in order to improve the accuracy of, and provide integrity for, these aircrafts’ GPS navigational positions. 

The goal of GBAS implementation is to provide a satellite-based alternative to the Instrument Landing System (ILS) supporting the full range of approach and landing operations. 

با توجه به این مرجع   ;کاربرد GBAS افزایش دقت ناوبری  مبتنی بر gps هواپیماها در اطراف فرودگاه می باشد

 و می توان گفت هدف از بکار گیری GBAS فراهم کردن یک سیستم جایگزین (Alternative)  برای سیستم ILS می باشد که تمامی اهداف اپروچ و لندینگ را ممکن سازد.

 (GBAS) is a system that provides differential corrections and integrity monitoring of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). 

GBAS provides navigation and precision approach service in the vicinity of the host airport (approximately a 23 nautical mile radius), broadcasting its differential correction message via a very high frequency (VHF) radio data link from a ground-based transmitter. GBAS yields the extremely high accuracy, availability, and integrity necessary for Category I, and eventually Category II, and III precision approaches. 

GBAS demonstrated accuracy is less than one meter in both the horizontal and vertical axis.

In the past, the FAA referred to GBAS as the Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS).

Current GBAS systems approved by the FAA only monitor and augment the Global Positioning System (GPS) L1 C/A broadcast.


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